Friday, June 7, 2019

Advanced Clinic Is Mini Varsity

Ozioma Ebirim

- By Ozioma Ebirim

The Advanced Clinic is a four-week intensive course on Language Use and Reporting Skills for Bloggers, Print and Broadcast Journalists, Publicists, Writers, Secretaries and all who care to improve their communicative skills.

The programme has been designed to aid students improve on their writing, reporting, headline casting, style and presentation.

Some of the areas of concentration include: tautologies and cliches, colloquialism, jargons and slangs, prepositions and conjunctions, tricky synonyms and homonyms, among others.

The course is a mini university with a compressed curriculum to enhance students' writing skills and everyday communication. It could be likened to a man who just got back his sight after so many years of blindness.

Attending the class will reveal that language is environmental. One would be able to know the rules in communication as well as language use and common mistakes, in addition to knowing the sins of communication, and the satisfaction of always being in control of one's own medium of communication.

Every one who communicates in English Language should enrol in the Advanced Clinic because it will enable one to be in control of the language of expression. It is indeed a place of making 'diagnosis' and proferring solutions. The clinic offers one the opportunity to know what to say and how to say it.

Mr. Femi Akintunde-Johnson, an award-winning journalist and writer facilitates the clinic with his friends. Mr. FAJ, as he is fondly called, has many firsts in his kitty and has done very well for himself. He is the best coach for the course, as he is a stickler for details and professionalism. His expertise and ability to deliver on his promise stand him out as a person of integrity.

Anyone who desires to communicate well should not hesitate to attend the next advanced clinic. This is because so many people who think they have 'captured' the English language are nowhere close to it and it is worse when one speaks ignorantly in the bid to impress others. The only way to stay afloat in such a situation would be to know the rules of effective communication which are covered in the areas of concentration.

- Ozioma Lilian Ebirim, Publisher (June/July 2018 ADC Workshop Graduate)

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