Friday, June 7, 2019

Why You Should Attend Next Advanced Clinic

By Charles Flames

The "Advanced Clinic with the FAJ" is a training that makes you a better practitioner. It builds your sense of reasoning and enlightens you on common mistakes/errors made by Journalists who cast newspaper headlines using wrong formation of words.
Charles Flames
To function effectively and benefit maximally during the class, you must obey instructions given to you by the Coach, as well as paying adequate attention.
You also need to respond briefly and clearly to discussions, questions, comments, and avoid needless and prolonged arguments.
It is vital that participants arrive class at least five minutes before regulation time, to be able to input their presence on the class register.
As we know that the Media is a paradox: It is not held back by strong attachment to age, titles, gender, religion, conventions, etc; yet its fabric is knitted by regard for operational hierarchy, talent, discipline, perseverance, fairness, civility, fundamental rights, dignity and so on. So, let these positive elements pervade your thoughts and actions as you plan to attend the next Advanced Clinic with the FAJ.
Note that in the four-week clinic, the class is basically 16 hours of intensive face-to-face interaction with the Coach, and you also need to be proactive and diligent.

- Charles Flames, OAP at City 105.1 FM (June/July ADC Workshop Graduate)

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